The evolution of Summer School: from Oxford Summer School to BRC Leaders Summer School
Our first opportunity to bring new content to the table,
under the BRC, was 2021. This involved moving away from traditional retailing and
introduce our concept of the four lenses: People, Profit, Planet and Purpose.
Since then, we’ve spent a considerable amount of time
tightening up the eLearning content. This involved investing in professional design,
filming, and upgrading sections with the latest trends and insight from BRC
thought leaders. We also introduced the BRC Learning App allowing delegates to
access the new learning content from their devices, making it much more
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we were unable to include
a residential aspect in 2021, but this was always something we wanted to
revisit and thankfully we were able to in 2022. This consisted of a residential
aspect at the start and the end of the eight-week programme, allowing delegates
to fully immerse themselves in the learning, network and get to know one
You mentioned about the concept of the four lenses; PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT and PURPOSE. What are the lenses and why did you arrive at this concept?
Our planet is facing one of the most pervasive and threatening crises of our time: climate change. 2019 concluded a decade of exceptional global heat, retreating ice, and record high sea levels, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We are in a code-red situation, if we don't act now, we will no longer have a planet. Leaders we create are actively thinking sustainably and making decisions that benefit the organisation and the planet.
The people lens helps you understand how you can support, develop, invest, and nurture your people from not only an organisational perspective, but also from a personal perspective. We're bringing the conscious leadership element to the forefront of the programme this year to help delegates be authentic leaders. Finding your strengths and identifying your areas for improvement. Understanding yourself, understanding others, and understanding how that fits into the larger picture of the organisation, the industry, and the four lenses is key.
For me, coming from a HR background, it has always been about people first. It is interesting to see how many experienced managers have this light bulb moment and realise that people are more important than profit. Often, companies and individuals will assert that people are their biggest assets, but they're not, because we don't own them.
Many people may mistake the profit lens for a focus on key finance elements in some traditional leadership programs. For the OSS programme, there was a full finance day, which included things like understanding the P&L, analysing a company to see why it failed, and looking at stocks and shares. All are valuable things to know, but they can all be taught on the job.
The profit lens teaches us that profit isn't just about the bottom line. It's the decisions that go into some of those financial elements that impact the overall bottom line. In other words, every aspect of doughnut economics, circular economy, investing in people, investing in your sustainability agenda, and investing in your marketing affects your profit.

Finally, you have purpose, and purpose you can look at from different angles. In the context of the programme that’s what we try to do. We’ll look at purpose as in your own individual purpose, meaning your own values and culture, and then you’ll naturally then look at what is your purpose within the company you're working for. Last year’s programme definitely made people start to think about whether their purpose and values aligned with that of their organisation, and if it doesn’t, then what does that mean?
Many organisations’ purposes have evolved, they will naturally evolve, and they will continue to evolve. But if they don't, if they stand still then that company isn’t going to survive. If your values don't align with the company purpose, then you won't survive in that company, and you’ll quite quickly look to move on. We've seen so much more of this in the last couple of years of the pandemic where people are re-evaluating what's important to them and making some tough decisions to do things differently. So, by elevating the purpose lens in the programme, it’s kind of, for me, umbrellas a lot of the other lenses because profit, people and planet all link back to an individual’s purpose in a company. It's important that we recognise that it’s an important piece of the puzzle.
Why is this programme important for the future of retail?
Through the summer school programmes, delegates learn
about the future of retail from a unique perspective. As you look at the list
of contributors to the school content, you'll see that they're not all
retailers. The school focuses on bringing together a variety of contributors,
from Google to lesser-known organizations such as the Centre for Inclusive
By including lesser-known companies, such as Doughnut
Economic Action Lab (DEAL), The Centre for Alternative Technology, and The
Centre for Inclusive Leadership, the content is more dynamic since these are
companies you may not have interacted with in the past but have built
successful businesses and strategies using the four lenses.
Those organisations that are only now beginning to
prioritise and implement their inclusion agendas, diversity agendas, and
sustainability agendas are probably five to ten years behind their competitors.
Those who make a stand across the four lenses are the ones who are growing.
Increasingly, customers avoid companies that aren't up to date on these issues.
It's unlike anything else on the market. Through the
four lenses, delegates gain a new perspective on themselves and what they can
contribute to their organisations.
Who do you have contributing to the summer school content
and joining as guest speakers at the residential? Why were they chosen for the
It's a mix of organisations who contribute to the
school, but they have one thing in common: they are bringing about change in
their fields. We can gain an intrinsic understanding of what we can do
differently within the retail industry by inviting experts in specific areas
around the four lenses. One of the most notable examples would be B Corporation
UK representatives who are going to offer a workshop at the Expo. Additionally,
B Corp-certified businesses will be speaking at the Expo or exhibiting.
The Centre for Inclusive Leadership, who have been a long-term
partner of the Summer School when it was previously known as Oxford Summer
School, really help to bring to life what authentic inclusive leadership is.
It's not just about the diversity agenda, it's about you as an individual. This
is regardless of your race, your colour, or your sexual orientation. It's about
you as an individual and as an organisation, and how you can be inclusive.
We have the Centre for Alternative Technology, who are
experts in sustainability. They will really emphasise the state that we’re
currently in, which is a red-code situation for the planet. They will provide statistics
about the reality of what the impact on our planet is and what retail is doing
to that. They're the experts that will kind of strip back our blinkers in a way
to get us to see the reality of it.
In what ways does the programme align with the BRC’s
D&I Charter and Climate Action Roadmap?
How it's aligned is that our whole people lens has a huge focus on inclusion. One of the pledges on the D&I Charter is around creating a respectful, inclusive work environment where every employee can make a meaningful contribution to the company's vision and values. This aligns perfectly with the Summer School because this is an opportunity for delegates to then go back and make a meaningful contribution, not just around inclusion, around all the different area priorities through the lenses.
As for the Climate Action Roadmap, well we’ll see first-hand at our ‘Bridging the Gap’ expo because a representative from the BRC will be joining us at the summer school. I would say though, aligned with the fifth pathway of the roadmap around helping employees and customers to live low carbon lifestyles, what we're trying to do as part of the actual overall programme is understand our carbon footprint.
With support from The Centre of Alternative Technology, we’ll be measuring what our carbon footprint is at the first residential, then gives us that six to seven weeks in the middle to make some changes to reduce it for when we return for the second. We’re doing everything you would expect by encouraging delegates to get the train rather than drive or to car share rather than coming individually, to bring recyclable water bottles or reusable water bottles for example.
Are any aspects of the programme carried over from the Oxford Summer School heritage?
We invited by six delegates from 2021 to be group coaches for the 2022 school and we had 100% acceptance. They didn't even question the commitment because they got so much out of the programme last year that they can see what they can then get by going through the programme in a different remit this year. They'll still have access to all that content and speakers so for them, this year, they're really excited to be able to just continue to build on their learning.
The great coaches really make the programme for me. Throughout the eight weeks, each delegate has been supported by their group, by the wider delegation, as well as their coach. From first residential to their final presentations, the group coaches are there to help guide and support the learning. They’ll be their coach, they'll be their mentor, they'll help facilitate their learning, they'll be their shoulder to cry on, but also their devil's advocate to challenge them as well.
The group coaches really are the magic ingredient to the BRC Leaders Summer School. They really help to build the learning, and in a psychologically safe space for the delegates to learn and grow as well. They'll be learning things throughout the programme that they can take back to the workplace, put into practice, learn from, bring back to the group coaching sessions and just discuss, explore, debate.
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What is unique or different about this programme?
The Summer School will provide an unrivalled deep dive into the four megatrends of People, Profit, Purpose and Planet through thought leadership, social learning, and self-led modular content. Supported by experts, retailers and organisations that will stretch delegates thinking by looking outside of what they ‘think’ they know, bringing insight and foresight back to the organisation. The blend of residential and virtual over the course of the 8 weeks provides attendees the opportunity to put into practice what they are learning and explore this within the safety of their groups during the programme. Our course will bring to life the lenses, developing truly conscious leaders within retail for now and the future. There is no other programme like the Leaders’ Summer School!
We are proud that our residential home for 2022 will be Ashridge House Estate in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. With the changes in the School being more future focused and inclusive it is important to us that our residential home reflects similar values.
What is the price of the programme and do you offer any discounts?
Our earlybird offer has now closed. The standard price for BRC Members starts from £3,225 for the Emerging Leaders Programme and £3,350 for the Transforming Leaders Programme. This is variable dependent BRC Membership. Group and individual discounts may be applied by discretion with our Head of Leadership Programmes, please contact to explore this further.
There is plenty of parking available however we are conscious of our own carbon footprint and would encourage delegates to either car share or arrive by train to Berkhamsted station. A free shuttle bus will be available to take delegates to the venue on the day of arrival and departure, timetable is below.
What is a Group Coaching session?
Each delegate will be assigned to a coaching group made up of 8-10 learners and facilitated by a Group Coach, these sessions are essential to benefit from the social learning element of the programme. The relationship of the group with start to form at the residential and this will build as the course progresses, sessions will be arranged around the live virtual elements of the programme providing the groups with the opportunity to reflect on what they have heard, discuss, debate, and explore within a safe environment. The Group Coach is there to support in facilitating, coaching and being an independent confidante to delegates to nurture their learning.
Across the duration of the school, we anticipate that each learner will need to assign 3-4 hours per week to either a live event, group coach sessions, module work and self-reflection which would be on a Wednesday afternoon.
There will be a golden thread of “how can I apply this learning and how will it impact me, my team and my organisation.” This will be supported by a self-assessment tool completed by the learner at the start of the school, the tool has been built specifically for the programme using neuroscience and aims to dig beneath the surface of the conscious leader to bypass their individual bias. The results will continue to grow and evolve as delegates take their learnings back to the workplace and assess these against their original learning intentions.
B Lab is the nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet.
Find us at stand XYZ123
Come and visit us to find out more about:
The media is full of questions about A.I.-regulation, potential, risk etc Bring your questions about all things digital transformation, data analysis and A.I. Find out it can support you and your organisation, they will be in the coffee lounge area of Monks Barn.
CAT have been working with the zero-carbon agenda for 50 years. Come and talk to some experts, Amanda and Paul, to hear their ideas on how you might support your organisation towards a zero-carbon target. You will find them on the ground floor in Monks Barn.
Drop in between 3pm and 4pm for a conversation with Erinch to explore more on how doughnut economics can shape you and your business. Erinch will be in room MB2 on the ground floor.
Come and talk to Danny and Tenesia who have decided to create a business that integrates the 4 lenses. They have an amazing story to tell!
Come and talk to Evelina if you are interested in all things purpose, wellbeing and mission. As a neuroscientist and people pioneer she will enthuse you with her vision for what life at work can be. Evelina will be on the ground floor in Monks Barn.
Come and talk to a BCORP certified organisation about what they do that means they can hold this status. Find out what their journey has been. What is their purpose and how does it play out in what they do? You can find Laura on the ground floor of Monks Barn.
Come and hear some more from Nic and the team about their amazing journey that connects them to all four lenses of people, planet, purpose and profit. Nic and Beth will be on the mezzanine level of Monks Barn.
Come and speak to Nick and the team who are passionate about how the human experience can be elevated through using data in the workplace. Their retail heritage has enabled them to gain real insight into how this works in retail. Find Nick in the coffee lounge area of Monks Barn.
Come and talk to the experts in wellbeing in retail. Find out what they do to support the sector and find out what you can do to support yourself. Drop in at any time or book a 15 minute slot (on the half hour) for a mini workshop with Andrea and the team. Andrea will be on the first floor in room MB3 of Monks Barn.
Workplace inclusion practitioners specialising in inclusion dialogues and data.
Have a conversation with Stefan, Executive Producer of Earth (the most successful ever nature documentary ever produced) about the Argonauts vision for transitioning to a world led by collective wisdom. Stefan will be on the mezzanine level of Monks Barn.
Come and be inspired by an organisation who are finding innovative ways to make use of surplus products for the benefit of the planet and communities.
Meet some of the Employee Representative Groups from this household Retailer where they will bring to life how they engage with their employees to promote inclusion and in turn diversity. Find them on the ground floor of Monks Barn.
Interested in making business a force for good? Come and talk BCORP about how leaders build communities not just profit. Megan will share how BCORP have become a motivational organisation bringing positive change across many industries. The team will be on the mezzanine level of Monks Barn.
Come and talk to Sophie, our Sustainability Policy Advisor about how the BRC Climate Road Map is supporting the retail sector to become a leading sector in reducing carbon emissions.
Come and meet one of the Summer School sponsors and hear about their work around sustainability-Priceless Causes. The team will be on the ground floor of Monks Barn.
Start focusing on personal performance, operational efficiency, and structural organisation. ICG uses a unique internal approach to assess organisations and resolve hidden issues. BRC Learning teams up with ICG to bring you customer needs courses. Learn what the customer really wants, refocus your priorities, and become a customer-needs-driven business today.
Kahvay is the ideal solution for mastering negotiation skills. Their executive team have decades of experience in human resources, management consulting, human capital, commercial retail, and digital operations. With a wealth of knowledge and a practical hands-on approach, you and your team can develop one of the most essential skills in modern business.
A business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) customer data analytics consultancy. With More2’s client strategy consultants and strategic insight you can finally optimize your customer-centric marketing campaign. Identify the metrics that drive growth, examine your performance, and understand which investments are needed to grow your customer base.
TCFIL creates unique “inclusion maturity journeys” to match the specific needs of every business they work with. Learn how you can feel included in a safe workplace that values positive relationships and teamwork. You and your team can grow with your organisation by becoming actors of change today.
A flexible employee feedback platform that provides everything you need to deliver an outstanding people experience. Learn how to effectively drive engagement, monitor employee wellbeing, and evoke change. A great learning experience for human resources representatives that want to master employee lifecycle and retain talented employees.
TruthSayers are pioneers in commercialising neuro methods and tools in the workplace, with over 20 years of experience. They are the very first Neurotech® company on the planet. Their unique, ground breaking technology is the only platform that takes advances in neuroscience and makes them applicable and available to your company. We work with TruthSayers on our inclusion programmes.
The Centre for Alternative Technology is an eco-centre in Montgomeryshire, Powys, Wales dedicated to demonstrating and teaching sustainable development. CAT, despite its name, no longer concentrates its efforts exclusively on alternative technology, but provides information on all aspects of sustainable living.
From 1832 onwards, the Retail Trust has been caring for and protecting the lives of people working in retail. We believe the health of our colleagues is the foundation they need to flourish in both work and life, creating a more sustainable and successful future for retail.
Elite Mind Academy was founded in response to the mental health crisis escalated by the pandemic, with a mission to provide effective, measurable mental health & wellbeing support without the need for stigmatising diagnostic labels.